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1. For internet shops.
2. International freight.
3. Courier services:
- express delivery within city;
- express delivery across Russia;
- international.
4. Cargo freight:
- express delivery across Russia.
5. Insurance.
The main services of our courier service:
• Mail delivery. Large range of services, which performs a courier to deliver a book, magazine and newspaper production, as well as all kinds of printed products in different parts of the city of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
• Delivery of postal items. Commercial and Business Opportunities in writing personal letters to be delivered to the addressee with a guarantee of confidentiality.
• Delivery of gifts and greetings. In a very short time recipient will receive a warm greeting. Tokens can always maintain good relations between people, which is the foundation of any successful business! Fast delivery - it is our attention to customer needs.
• Delivery of goods. Flexible rates and ample opportunities for the organization of delivery of different weight and size, accompanied by the courier in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the route Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow, as well as in various cities of Russia.
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Ваш заказ №43506503 принят в работу. Ожидайте звонка курьера в течение 15 минут!
If any questions, text dostavka@express.ru, in Telegram or Whatsapp.
Your feedback will be sent to the general director.