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Мы сотрудничаем с международным оператором по доставке грузов и с удовольствием рассчитаем стоимость импортной
или экспортной доставки по любому международному направлению. Вам нужно лишь потратить пару минут для заполнения
Мы ответим в течение часа. А потом избавим Вас от всех хлопот с доставкой и таможенным оформлением.
Express Tochka Ru – is a large transport company offering international shipping in more than 185 countries of the world. We deliver goods all over the world of all kinds, of different weight, size and destination, whether the compact packing of heavy or over-sized objects, import or export. Our customers are able to choose simple or combined road transport routes with maximum capacity and minimal risk. Choosing partnership with a professional team Express Tochka Ru, you choose a universal solution that guarantees the success of your foreign trade activities.
Our advantages:
Without exception, all international carriage of goods by road transport and multimodal transport provided by Express Tochka Ru requires the monitoring of the delivery status online, which can be used by any owner. Our company has modern offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in several key regions of the country, has a large regional network of offices - and dozens of cities where you can make an order for delivery with a full range of services for handling, receiving and shipping of cargo anyway in the world.
Close business relationships with foreign partners allow us to use the best logistics solutions for each delivery. We practice personalized approach to our clients, develop the optimal route of cargo movement, using warehouse facilities with the latest technical infrastructure , modern container terminal, ports. As a result, international shipping is always done quickly, carefully, strictly in time according contract and with minimal expense for client.
Own fleet of trucks last generation, the arsenal of special equipment and the use of mixed transport: water (sea and river-sea), rail, aviation (including Charter flights) enable us to be competitive on the world market. Each international shipping of goods is analyzed, planned within the permissible range of price. Further, we offer the best alternative options to the client. You just have to choose the best rate, to fill in the feedback form, wait for the answer to discuss the conditions of delivery and make an order. You can rest assured your delivery is in safe hands with us.
Moscow is your city?
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Ваш заказ №43506503 принят в работу. Ожидайте звонка курьера в течение 15 минут!
If any questions, text dostavka@express.ru, in Telegram or Whatsapp.
Your feedback will be sent to the general director.