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We offer to open your own branch of courier services and express delivery of documents and goods throughout the Russian Federation and around the world in your city.
Full cycle representation: pick up points and courier delivery. You are not only engaged in the reception / delivery of packages, but also provide a full range of services, courier delivery..
You are only involved in recieving and delivering of correspondence and packages, you can accept packages from customers with payment in cash or by credit card, i.e. to carry out the first stage of express delivery of envelopes or packages. All other stages of delivering are made by Express.Ru.
Tula is your city?
Мы отправили ссылку для подтверждения на почту. Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке, чтобы войти в личный кабинет.
Ваш заказ №43506503 принят в работу. Ожидайте звонка курьера в течение 15 минут!
If any questions, text dostavka@express.ru, in Telegram or Whatsapp.
Your feedback will be sent to the general director.