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Properly selected packaging will reliably protect the cargo from damage and ensure safe transportation. You can pack the goods in our pick up points, choosing from several types of packages or combine several options for more reliable cargo protection. Our experts will help you choose the best packaging. If you decide to pack the goods yourself, pay attention to the recommendations for packing goods.
Size: 34 cm X 26.5 cm
Suitable for letters and documents weighing up to 1 kg
Size: 40cm x 30cm
Suitable for mail items up to 5 kg
Size: 51.5cm x 32cm
Suitable for mail items up to 10 kg
Size: 60cm X 60cm
Suitable for mail items up to 15 kg
Size: 14 cm X 22 cm X 10 cm
It is used to form places, protects goods from damage and scattering.
Recommended for use with bubble wrap.
Size: 25 cm X 35 cm X 20 cm
Used to form seats, protects goods from damage and scattering.
Recommended for use with bubble wrap.
Size: 50 cm X 47 cm X 31 cm
Used to form seats, protects goods from damage and scattering.
Recommended for use with bubble wrap.
Size: depends on the size of the cargo
Strong wooden frame, used for packaging large-sized fragile goods and non-standard cargo sizes.
Used for transportation of large-format paper products.
It is used for packing goods that do not require protection against deformation. You will not lose parts of the cargo and things will not be dirty.
Used as an optional package. Protects cargo from dirt and minor damage.
Did not find a suitable option or have difficulties? Write to us at any time of the day or night. The necessary information can also be found in the FAQ section.
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If any questions, text dostavka@express.ru, in Telegram or Whatsapp.
Your feedback will be sent to the general director.