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Effective from 01.06.22
Вес*, кг \ Зоны | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
до 0.5 | 8840 | 10088 | 11648 | 12168 | 13208 | 14248 | 16640 |
до 1 | 10816 | 11960 | 13728 | 14248 | 15600 | 16640 | 19448 |
1.5 | 12480 | 13936 | 15808 | 16536 | 17888 | 19136 | 22360 |
2 | 14248 | 15808 | 17888 | 18720 | 20176 | 21528 | 25168 |
2.5 | 16016 | 17680 | 19968 | 20800 | 22360 | 23920 | 28080 |
Вес*, кг \ Зоны | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Вес*, кг \ Зоны | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
до 0.5 | 15474 | 15474 | 17744 | 16706 | 20955 | 25173 | 29357 |
до 1 | 19560 | 19560 | 21994 | 21053 | 25529 | 30135 | 35683 |
1.5 | 22285 | 22285 | 24880 | 24362 | 29519 | 34547 | 40548 |
2 | 25010 | 25010 | 27767 | 27670 | 33509 | 38958 | 45414 |
2.5 | 27703 | 27703 | 30719 | 30978 | 37109 | 43467 | 50604 |
3 | 30459 | 30459 | 33606 | 34223 | 40483 | 47879 | 55599 |
3.5 | 33217 | 33217 | 36493 | 37466 | 43857 | 52290 | 60595 |
4 | 35974 | 35974 | 39380 | 40710 | 47230 | 56702 | 65590 |
4.5 | 38732 | 38732 | 42267 | 43954 | 50604 | 61114 | 70586 |
5 | 41488 | 41488 | 45154 | 47198 | 53977 | 65525 | 75580 |
5.5 | 43857 | 43857 | 47523 | 49598 | 57286 | 69743 | 80447 |
6 | 46225 | 46225 | 49890 | 51998 | 60595 | 73959 | 85313 |
6.5 | 48593 | 48593 | 52258 | 54399 | 63904 | 78176 | 90178 |
7 | 50960 | 50960 | 54626 | 56799 | 67212 | 82393 | 95044 |
7.5 | 53328 | 53328 | 56994 | 59199 | 70520 | 86610 | 99909 |
8 | 55696 | 55696 | 59362 | 61600 | 73829 | 90827 | 104775 |
8.5 | 58065 | 58065 | 61730 | 64000 | 77138 | 95044 | 109640 |
9 | 60433 | 60433 | 64098 | 66402 | 80447 | 99260 | 114507 |
9.5 | 62800 | 62800 | 66466 | 68802 | 83755 | 103478 | 119373 |
10 | 65168 | 65168 | 68834 | 71202 | 87064 | 107695 | 124238 |
11 | 68802 | 68802 | 72532 | 74965 | 91605 | 113923 | 131569 |
12 | 72435 | 72435 | 76229 | 78727 | 96147 | 120150 | 138900 |
13 | 76067 | 76067 | 79928 | 82490 | 100688 | 126379 | 146230 |
14 | 79700 | 79700 | 83626 | 86253 | 105229 | 132607 | 153562 |
15 | 83334 | 83334 | 87324 | 90016 | 109770 | 138835 | 160893 |
16 | 86967 | 86967 | 91022 | 93778 | 114312 | 145063 | 168224 |
17 | 90599 | 90599 | 94719 | 97542 | 118854 | 151292 | 175555 |
18 | 94233 | 94233 | 98417 | 101304 | 123395 | 157519 | 182886 |
19 | 97866 | 97866 | 102115 | 105067 | 127936 | 163747 | 190217 |
20 | 101499 | 101499 | 105813 | 108830 | 132477 | 169976 | 197548 |
21 | 104613 | 104613 | 109446 | 112463 | 136759 | 175490 | 203712 |
22 | 107727 | 107727 | 113079 | 116096 | 141040 | 181005 | 209874 |
23 | 110842 | 110842 | 116713 | 119729 | 145323 | 186519 | 216037 |
24 | 113955 | 113955 | 120345 | 123363 | 149605 | 192034 | 222200 |
25 | 117069 | 117069 | 123978 | 126995 | 153886 | 197548 | 228364 |
26 | 120184 | 120184 | 127612 | 130628 | 158168 | 203063 | 234527 |
27 | 123297 | 123297 | 131245 | 134262 | 162450 | 208577 | 240690 |
28 | 126412 | 126412 | 134877 | 137895 | 166732 | 214092 | 246854 |
29 | 129525 | 129525 | 138510 | 141527 | 171014 | 219606 | 253017 |
30 | 132639 | 132639 | 142144 | 145160 | 175295 | 225120 | 259180 |
+ 1 кг | + 2628 | + 2628 | + 2628 | + 3082 | + 3634 | + 4736 | + 5677 |
70 | 227817 | 227817 | 237026 | 257548 | 308115 | 399128 | 469054 |
+ 1 кг | + 3568 | + 3568 | + 3634 | + 4087 | + 4866 | + 6034 | + 6423 |
999 | 3542489 | 3542489 | 3613012 | 4054371 | 4828629 | 6004714 | 6436021 |
Вес*, кг \ Зоны | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The rate "Documents" is applicable to items under 1kg (inclusive). Items over 1kg are subject to the rate
The day of dispatch and days off does not enter in time deliveries.
At registration of the international express-sending to fill the addresses of sender and recipient in printing a letter in English language
Your friends live abroad, and you want to make a present on the anniversary and the New year? Your online store expands the geography of delivery of the goods? Your partners in Europe are waiting for the samples of your products? International mail delivery is what you need to resolve these pressing issues.
You know, where are the States of Djibouti, GUAM, Eritrea? 80 % of our clients answer negatively. And we know, because we regularly deliver correspondence and goods in these and other exotic places of the planet. Delivery of letters abroad, shipping parcels around the world – it is our job, which became favorite hobby.
We are living in the century of high speeds. We don't want to wait and want our recipients received our shipment as quickly as possible. International express delivery service Express Tochka Ru demonstrates understanding and helps customers to save time and money. We make the delivery time shorter, bring cargo, letters, and documents faster than most our competitors – and our customers appreciate us for it./p>
Europe is our closest neighbor. European values are close to us. Among them - the responsibility, workability and efficiency. We carry mail, over-sized goods and other shipments in Paris, Rome, Berlin, Venice and other European cities and villages safely, looking for the optimal route for a complex cargo, delivering extremely fast express parcels. Your aunt in Belgium and your business partner in the Netherlands will definitely enjoy our work.
We pay special attention to the quality of the service "Express delivery of documents abroad". We understand the importance of a delivery of documents personally to hands of receiver timely, we continuously work towards improving the quality of this service, and try to make the process of this service perfect. Pay attention: the documents are packaged in A4-sized envelope; each one should have a weight not more than 1kg. Rates and prices for this service you can find from the table on this page on our website. For clients, which regularly give us a large number of documents and other parcels, the cost can be set individually.
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If any questions, text dostavka@express.ru, in Telegram or Whatsapp.
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